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Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm Sick - Where is my New Body???

Paul learned how to be content in whatever state he was in - but how can you be content in sickness?
I've been sick this past week - and I'm tired of blowing my nose, scarfing down asprin and advil cold & sinus. I want out of this body! I know I have a new one coming! Where is it Lord - I'm ready.
It will be so glorious to not have to worry about my knee that doesn't want to run any more. And my hair that doesn't want to stay the correct color. And my wrinkles or my rash or my........ You know what I mean. I'm sick of this old body not cooperating with what I want it to do.
I've got my new body all picked out. It doesn't worry about weight gain because it has a marvelous motabolism. My hair always has "good" days. All the wrinkles are gone - and my clothes fit perfectly. It sings perfectly and never ever wants to leave the Presence of the Lord.
While I'm waiting for my new one - I guess I better follow after Paul as he follows after Christ. Philippians 4:11 RSVA
Not that I complain of want; for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content. (By His Stripes I am Healed)

Friday, March 19, 2010

It isn't me, is it????

John 14:17-18 After sunset he came with the Twelve. As they were at the supper table eating, Jesus said, "I have something hard but important to say to you: One of you is going to hand me over to the conspirators, one who at this moment is eating with me."
19 Stunned, they started asking, one after another, "It isn't me, is it?"

How many times have we asked this question of ourselves knowing we have denied our Savior in our thoughts, our life style, as the model for our lives.

When I was in High School - My boyfriend was not the best influence on me. He was a bit older and I chose him over my Savior. I remember the feelings of guilt when I would lie to my parents.

One night my girl friend and I were dropped off at the theater by my step-mom, and as she went around the corner - so we thought - we got into a car with our boy friends. Then before the movie was done, we were dropped off in front of the theaters to complete the perfect cover up.

When I got home that night - was I in for a surprise. Caught! Instead of the perfect cover up - it was the perfect flop.

Are you sure you saw me get in the car with a couple of guys? It isn't me is it???

Are you sure you saw me say that, do that, think that Lord? Are you sure you saw me hold that grudge, covet that adorable ring, or hurt that person?
It isn't me is it????

Yes, but I still Love you - choose Me, Choose Life.

Marry a Prostitue?

Gomer was a prostitue.
Hosea was a prophet.
They were an unlikely pair.

Does Gomer change her ways?
Is she faithful - now that she is married?

No she "steps" out on her beloved.
Two of her Children are No-Mercy and No-Body.

Do we change our ways?
Are we faithful - now that we are the bride of Christ.

No we "step" out on our beloved.
We hurt Him, the One we love so much.

Hosea was told to buy her back - from the slave trade.
and rename his children All-Mercy and Somebody.

Christ bought us with His own blood.
And renamed us "little Christs".
He gave us His name and took us back into the family.

Whether it is John 3:16 or 1 John 1:9.
We have a Father who calls us All-Mercy and Someboy in "Him".

Johnny Jew vs Bobby Babylon

Jeremiah's message to the Lord's people was very unpopular.
Repent and give up to the Babylonians - for this is the Lord's will for your life.

There were three deportations to Babylon and good old Neb took the best of the crop.
Those who were deported became single minded toward God.
They never went into idolatry again.
Their disciplined life style kept them unified.

Johnny Jew would never eat dinner with Bobby Babylon.
And because of their disciplined life syle they were kept separate or sanctified.

Discipline is meant for restoration not for destruction.

I choose you Lord.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Your name?

What is your name?
Your name is your fame.
Who you are and what you represent.
God changed many of his "covenant" people.

Abram to Abraham. Father of the Altitudes to Father of a Nation.
Jacob the deciever to Israel the Soldier of God.

Abigail - Father's joy.
Naomi - Pleasant.
Mary - Bitter. ( I believe her father wanted her to be a boy)

Rebecca - a Noose or Captivating.

What is your name - and what does it mean in God's kingdom.
Do the devils tremble?
Do the Saints know who you are?

Your name is your Fame !

- But your Fame is shortlived in this life.
You are only remembered for 2-3 generations.
In Christ you will live forever.

Change your name to Christian - and the you in Him will be glorified forever.

Rebecca - the Christian.
It has a nice ring to it.

Friday, March 5, 2010

A Bowl of Cherries.

"If life is a bowl of cherries what am I doing in the pits?" - says Erma Bombeck. She had it right! I've been reading Jeremiah lately and his life was in the pits! He was beaten, he couldn't marry, he was called a liar, his life's work was burned, he was put in stocks and bonds, he had an unpopular message, and he was thrown into a pit! Can you imagine?
But in the middle of his lamenting crying and weeping he writes Lamentations 3:22-23 -
"God's loyal love couldn't have run out,
his merciful love couldn't have dried up.
They're new every morning.
How great your faithfulness!
I'm sticking with God (I say it over and over).
He's all I've got left."
Life might be "in the pits" But God's faithfulness is new every morning. If Jeremiah can praise God in the middle of his disaster - so can I. Bring the cherries on! Let's make a pie.