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Friday, April 30, 2010

Dirt on Me

Satan has dirt on me......... and everyother person on the planet. He is the accuser of the Brethren - and he is always looking for "dirt" on me.

I've given him many chances to accuse me - and make me believe that I am not good enough to do, be or recieve anything from the Father - because of the "dirt" on me.

He likes to gossip it around, slander - and take me out of commission. In fact this whole planet is a dirty place. Have you ever looked up into the bright lights on a big stage and seen the dirt filtering down? We are dirt, we do dirt, and we live in dirt. No matter how hard I scrub I can't get clean. My dirt is irremovable. - So Satan you are right I am dirty.

My dirt is irremovable - but it is coverable. "In Him" I'm righteous. I am "dirt dusted with Divinity" - says Jill Briscoe.

No more - Satan, get thee behind me! No matter what you see or what you hear Christ has taken my dirt away as far as east is from the west. You can't immobilize me with your dirt on me. I'm set free IN HIM. As long as I am IN HIM - there is no more dirt.

I John 1:9 But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.

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